Symposium about Ghosts by Mr Ganesan at SIES college , dept of Philosophy

GHOST SYMPOSIUM Major heads 1. Introducing the ghost concept 2. How do ghosts originate ? (a) Re-incarnations, rebirths, karma (b) Celebrity re-incarnations (c) Parallel concepts- India and other countries 3. Classification of ghosts 4. Ghost experiences (a) My own (b) Other celebrities and personalities (c) World wide by several 5. Ghost Spots (a) Within Mumbai (PUKAR) (b) Within India (c) Worldwide 6. Ghost Research (a) India (b) Worldwide 7. Ghost busters (a) In India (b) Worldwide 8. Ghost abuse 9. Ghost challengers 10. Ghost literature ( references) 11. Ghost movies The ghosts Ghosts and God have many things in common- their existence has always been under challenge. They exist only for the believers. Non-believers known as atheists, agnostics or rationalists contest the very concept. Like those who believe in God have legions to narrate of their experience, believers of ghosts also have several stories to narrate of their personal experiences. In both the belief is borne out of personal experience. A couple of years ago, a survey on this conducted by the Bombay Times revealed that 55% of those whom they interviewed believed in ghosts while 25% of them had either seen ghosts or have had ghost experiences. Yet the eternal slugfest between the believers and the non-believers continues and the confusion of the physical versus metaphysical is perpetuating. Universality of ghost belief from times immemorial It is rather intriguing that even when the world was polarized with practically no communications, the ghost concept and belief in ghosts existed in different parts of the world for reasons inexplicable.. The ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Christians, Hindus and the Buddhists , all believed in extra-terrestrial influences. In China and in Japan, like in India the belief is manifested through the worship of spirits of the departed and ensure that the spirits of the departed are always kept in good humour.*Ancestor worship is prevalent in Australia and in the Pacific islands. To the Africans, ghosts are a part of their social living and thinking. The shamans of Mexico also are great believers of ghosts and spirits. How did ghosts get this universality ? Over the years- Plato/Shakespeare/Dante/Western mythical circles Plato did believe that there existed something within the huge vacuum between this world and the immortal world. Ancient Tibetan literature, the Old Testament and Hindu mythology contain several references to ghosts and spirits. In the medieval period Shakespeare in England, Dante in Italy and the intelligentsia in general were influenced by the concept of spirits and ghosts. The western mythical circles do talk of an “astral plane” as also of heaven, the ultimate destination of bliss, the hell the payback centre for sins and purgatory the correction centre en route to heaven. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1Pithru paksha (Mid September for 15 days) plus annual sraddhas; 2.Chinese New year titles and praise for the dead; 3.The practice of “Mighun”in China (If the dead person is unmarried, the corpse of the opposite gender is also buried along with the dead one. This is to satisfy the desires of the departed soul. 4.Parsis worship the departed 5.The muslims kneel in the tombs 6.The Christians have remembrance days. Garuda Purana of India & Maya myths of Mexico ( BC5000) Interestingly, there is parallel reference on life after death in the Hindu literature called Garuda Purana* written some 5000 years before Christ and the Mexican literature of Maya* with identical descriptions of the journey of the soul of the departed with similar typical halt stations Even in recent times, not withstanding the progress made by science and the bigoted rationalists, the interest of people in general on ghosts fantasies and extra terrestrials is unbelievable and proved beyond doubt by the run away success and blitzkrieg of J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter. It has created a history of sorts- 8 million copies; the preview of the film earned Rs.1.5 crores in India, half of which was in Mumbai.The spin off business of this book- T Shirts, Coffee cups, toys all speak of the popularity of the concept. And its acceptance.. Even the Pope has conceded to this book. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Garuda Purana 8000 verses (Dharma Kanda/Karma Kanda/Moksha Kanda ( also origin of 86000 species including humans) The journey of the soul of the departed through several cities and difficult spots known as “narakas”- Roudra, Maharoudra, Athisheetha, Nikindana, Aprathishtitha, Thaptha kunda, River Vaidharin (currents of blood),Jwala mukhi- explanation for our giving away chappals, planks, water jugs, fan, warm clothes, clothes, cow and calf,boat made of sugar cane -Pipal Vach X IBELBA (Maya of Mexico) Tortuous journey- a mythical dog who can see in darkness guides the soul far below to an underground cave below the sea/river filled with biting scorpion, blood or puss, stinking abandoned houses filled with shrieking bats Ghosts classification Ghosts, goblins,gnomes, ghouls, vampires, witches, imps, werewolves and other wild spirits (pisachas) are several manifestations of the mysterious life after death. There are also a rowdy bunch of ogres,demons and dwarfs who are mischief mongers.On the other side there are sweet angels (equivalent to devatas of Hindu mythology) constituting the hierarchy and potency of the ghosts. The bodhisattvas too come in this category. A ghost is always a ghost and it is a dreaded thing. Depending upon their potency, ghosts can be revengeful, merciless killers, harassers , pin prickers. But they can be nice and friendly too. The character of the ghost is always determined by its origin. Origin of ghosts How do ghosts originate? The origin of ghosts is always traced to death and it is an accepted fact that spirits are an after death effect. Every human is composed of two elements- the body (physical form called prakritha) and the motivating energy which is metaphysical and invisible (called sukshma also called jeevatma) When a person dies, the physical form decomposes, but the invisible form , also called soul never decomposes. It gets transmitted as part of the renewal process of the universe.Physical termination is not physical extinction. “ never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never; Never was time it was not; end and beginning are dreams; Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit for ever; Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems !.” (Translated from Bhagavath Geetha) “Every cradle asks “Whence?” Every coffin asks “whither?” Is death a wall or a door ? (Robert Green Lyngersoll) The soul is the energy of life which can neither be created nor destroyed (Law of Indestructibility).It is based on Metam Psychosis and the energy gets transmitted from one medium to another. Our ancient rishis practiced this transfer of energy even in life time. “Vaasaamsi jeernani yadha vihaaya navaani gruhnaanthi naro/paraaani Thadhaa shareeraani vihaaya jeernaananyaan samyaathi navaani dehii” Bhagawat Geetha In death, all are not equal- circumstances, age, maturity of the deceased all these factors determine the post death consequences. 1. One who is completely satisfied, no unfulfilled desires and happy in life in all possible areas, if he dies, his soul gets an eternal sleep and it goes millions of miles above the stratosphere and reaches the land of bliss and joins the celestial world with the ancestors. It has only to pass through some correction centres en route to answer some omissions or commissions while alive which any mortal commits. (Once the desires are completely exhausted, the birth- death cycle ends- it is realization of God only. Unleft desires of dead becomes the cause of the next birth. The land of the bliss where departed souls enjoy heavenly life..They come back to the recycle life depending on their actions in life- it may be even after 1000 years). 2. One who has attachments and many unfulfilled desires, if he dies abruptly, the sleep of the soul of such a man is disturbed and is restless. It avoids going upward and circles around seeking to get its desires fulfilled. It makes occasional visits to the family and meets/interacts with some one to whom it is attached or one who it thinks could fulfill its left out desire. (The spirit/soul comes back sometimes to carry out a specific task or complete something left unfinished . Some times they return to earth to fulfill an intensive desire like being present at a favourite son’s wedding. There is also intensity factor of attachment).Circumstances permitting takes to re-incarnation. 3. A person craving for honours, recognition, if such a person dies suddenly without realizing his desires, the spirit cleverly enters into the womb of some one and reincarnates by taking a fresh life to attain the unfulfilled desires.. The case of Budhia Singh of Orissa,(walkathon at 5 years) Mandolin Srinivasan,(instrumental music at 4 years), Upasana the 3 year girl in UP who recently claimed herself as Kalpana Chawla and so on. There are many such experiences. Till such time it gets into some one’s womb the spirit wanders. 4.One seeking revenge, as in the case of a victim of murder refuses to leave until the wrong done to it is avenged.; sometimes the spirit willfully enters into the body (brain) of a promising member of the family ( we call it ”possessed”) and does not leave until the revenge is completed. (a) Annie Walker incident in UK (1681) – case history; (b) Hathras Case in UP (c) Ghosts at the Landlords (d) Ghosts in the Corporate House The ghost revenge does not stop with the wrong doer and his family only. It always attacks even the exorcists or their accomplices who try to evict the spirit from the possessed person.. 5.The spirit of one who commits suicide *. It is not qualified to leave this world and so the spirit wanders and wanders as a floating ghost until some one gives it an ethereal transmission.No one wants to communicate with a floating spirit. Depending upon the circumstances as above, the character and nature of the ghosts differ Annie Walker Story (1681)- a case history- This is an avenge story and a documented case in England. Late one night in 1681, a miller James Graeme, of County Durham, England, was accosted by the hideous ghost of a young woman. She was drenched with blood and had five open wounds on her head. She told Graemes that her name was Anne Walker and that she had been murdered with a pick axe, by one Mark Sharp acting on instruction from a relative of hers, also named Walker, by who she was pregnant. She made it clear to Graeme that unless he gave the information to the local Magistrate, she would continue to haunt him. Refusing to believe what he had experienced, Grame did nothing. But after the apparition made repeated appearances, pleaded and threatened, he went to the authorities with the grisly story. A pit identified by the ghost was searched and Anne Walker’s body was found. Sharp and Walker were arrested, tried and hanged. Anne’s spirit thus avenged did not appear again. Hathra’s case Nearly after 30 years, this case is still pending to avenge a murder. Hathras is a town in UP.A five year old boy by name Durgesh appeared as a witness in his own murder case. One Mahipal was strangled to death six years before and the case was being heard in the district court. When five year old Durgesh appeared in the court and confirmed the prosecutor’s case by claiming to be the same Mahipal in the last birth. He narrated in detail his murder plot- his murder by one Ved Prakash who strangled him to death.The judiciary was convinced and dumbfounded but under the law rebirth has no legal sanctity and the court could not take a decision *Two stories in my book- Maya the Friendly ghost & the SEEPZ ghost Notes on re-incarnation. Re= again ;in=into ; carn = flesh ; ate= cause (become) ; ion= process This is the process of coming into flesh again- something separate from the flesh or body returns after death. It is different from resurrection. (Resurrect- same body, same identity and familial connection) (People who died in war, holocausts, tragedies, accidents, drowned in sea generally reincarnate and remember the past. Unfulfilled desires and destiny nipped in the bud, who have been wronged or strong love reincarnate. Only deeply emotional memories remain. Child memories fade when replaced by current issues. Recall factor -------those who died violently (Audrey Rose story) -----those whose lives were cut short Not only they recall, but in many cases they retain facial features, personality traits, talents and trauma, bodily marks and passion. Celebrity reincarnations Walter Semkiew of Virginia State University ( Author of “Born Again” and “Origin of soul” has conducted extensive studies/research on re-incarnation. He has even discovered group re-incarnations : Amitabh Bacchan Reincarnation of American actor Edwin Booth, famous actor of his time. Rekha Also an actor and First wife of Edwin Booth(Mary Delvin) who died early. Jaya Bacchan Also an actor and second wife of Edwin Booth (Mary sVickre) whom he married after the first wife’s death. Others Jawaharlal Nehru Reincarnation of Bahadur Shah Zafir Shah Rukh Khan Reincarnation of Famous Bengalee dancer/actor Sadhana Bose Abdul Kalam Reincarnation of Tippu Sultan Madhuri Dixit Reincarnation of Marylyn Monroe Celina Jaitly A German soldier Past Life Regression Theory (PLRT) establishes re-incarnation possibilities. World over there are experts on this subject. Other reported cases: (All these are reported cases- papers with me) V.R.Krishna Iyer quotes in his book DEATH & AFTER” innumerable case studies world wide. Mandolin Srinivas, Budhia Singh and Upasana (Kalpana Chawla) Sushma a UP girl (Lucknow) was allowed to write the Board examination at the age of 7.She could tackle complex problems of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology. At the age of 2 she could recite Ramcharit Manas. She spoke fluent English as well as proficient in Samskrit and Hindi. Her father was a 3rd standard while her mother was illiterate (2007). In Saharanpur (UP Village),Rajesh, a dalit boy of 14 years, son of a daily labourer suddenly started speaking English with American accent. He also startled every body with his sudden knowledge of physics and mathematics . He also suddenly forgot his Hindi. At that age he authored 3 books on faith.(2007) Pakiashree a girl in Pondicherry student of 3rd standard has an impeccable memory and can roll out medicines of over 1000 ailments. Doctors who tested her were spell bound.She has never seen a movie or TV.(2009).At the age of 8, she loved reading medical books and magazines. Rakesh of Ahmedabad (Thaltej) died at the age of three after a road accident in a hospital far away from his home. Few minutes before death his spirit appeared before his mother in the house and promised to be born again through her. He died in April2005 and was reborn in April2006 and to every one’s surprise he could identify all the relatives, friends, toys and the car (2008). A gujjar girl in Delhi reappeared four years after her death on her sraddha day. Remembering every one by name, she asked her parents to remove the garland on the photograph fixed on the wall.This new girl was born in Alwar but with vivid memories of past life, she remembered all her past life and requested the “new parents” to unite her with her “ original parents”.(2005) The story of “Prince” ( 6 years) identified a 19 year old girl as his daughter and married her away in Mageria- Manipur. Celina Jaitly ( paired with all celebrities in films) identified herself as a 21 year old Nazi German soldier who died in the battle field. She was fascinated by the Germans, soldiers, war and had the mind set of a soldier. Most of her friends were also Germans. In 1967or so, a story was going round in Kerala that a child of four identified by name a brigadier who happened to visit the village, accosted him and after giving him the customary military salute to the amazement of the people around, started discussing with him details about the Indo-Pak war. He also inquired about a number of soldiers who participated in the war by names. In Japan many children remember World War II with identical experiences. To the Tibetans, when the Dalai lama dies his incarnation is predetermined. The Old Testament does consider reincarnation possible. Swami Vivekananda could touch his disciple’s hand and read his past. Dr.Trupti Jain, recently conducted a past life regression therapy on TV Super star, Chunkey Pande and discovered to his amazement that he his wife and daughter were the same in their past life, when he was one Daniel of Lisbon, captain of a ship and laded with gold bullions they had landed at Goa in that birth. Navjot Kaur went through past life regression through Dr.Trupti Jain in Versova. Re-incarnations Worldwide Even as a ten year old boy, Arpan Sharma in London could speak 11 languages-English,French, German, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Mandarin, Italian, Polish and of course Hindi. No one ever taught him these languages.(2007) Dr.Hans Tendum from Netherlands who carries negative and positive things from past life has published his experiences. A young girl in Dubai always feared horse ride and screamed wild even when she saw a horse. Some one consulted Bhrugu Sasthra and it was revealed that in her earlier life she died because of a fall from a horse. The famous novel :Story of Audrey Rose Van Jose :Born in 1968 in rural Tennesse is Mahatma Gandhi’s reincarnation-he is a lawyer, became a community organizer, focused on easing poverty, protested police brutality and fought for the enhancement of civil rights. He is a peasant leader in Tenesse Community Activities and jailed for social problems. V.R.Krishna Iyer has also dealt at length on this subject in his book “Death and After” with a number of case histories in India and world wide. He has also touched on the NDE (Near Death Experiences) factor the riddles of karma, transmigration of souls, Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP) with factual foundation. . Ghost experiences My own : Kuttychathan } Naidu } Ananthu } Loveena } All given in detail in the book Ramaratnam } “GHOSTS, OCCULTS & EXORCISTS” SEEPZ } under various chapter heads. Baudaji road } Raja } Alamelu } Sankroth elephant } In this matter of ghost experiences, I am in the company of the great and celebrities, not only in India, but world wide. Shri.V.R.Krishna Iyer- His personal experiences with his wife’s spirit Sometime in 1974 , when he was the Judge in the Supreme Court, Krishna Iyer’s wife who was taken to Houston Hospital in America for cardiac surgery died in the hospital itself. A rationalist himself ( also a communists/Marxist) he cremated her without any rituals and returned to India . On retirement from Supreme Court he relocated to a private apartment in Motilal Nehru Marg. The official quarters at 2, Teen Murti Marg earlier occupied by him as a Judge with his wife, was later occupied by another judge Gupta, whom Krishna Iyer had never met. One evening as twilight set in Mrs. Gupta noticed in a small room (used for pooja) a lady’s figure sitting in meditation. Surprised, she put on the light , it vanished. It later transpired that that it was her first death anniversary day when she appeared first. She had this experience on several evenings and reported to her husband. Overhearing their conversation, the maalee of the quarters kept a watch on the next evening and reported to the Guptas that the figure was none other than the wife of Krishna Iyer who had died in America. They got in touch Krishna Iyer who was living in Motilal Nehru Road and on his arrival the next evening Krishna Iyer could identify the spirit as his wife’s and she invited him for a conversation. She told Krishna Iyer that she has not left this world and wanted to be with him always and wanted him to accept her and take her along with him. The rationalist/communist Krishna Iyer got suddenly changed and became a believer in life after death. Krishna Iyer who is now in Kochi ( age 94+) still keeps half an hour every day in the evening twilight time to spend with her ! This experience prompted him to undertake a full research on the mysterious science of life after death – a masterly classical treatise on the subject. Other experiences narrated by him in his book Death andAfter ( R.K.Narayanan, ASP Iyer of the British Judge in Chittoor (AP), Nalappadu family of Kerala, Justice Hidayatulla etc. etc. R.K.Narayan “The English Teacher” R.K.Narayan, the reputed novelist, lost his wife at a young age who left behind a young daughter. And quite missed her. One day as he was sitting alone in his Mysore house, a boy came and delivered a letter sent by his wife- though not in her hand writing asking him to meet a particular person (medium)in a village a bit far from the city who had occult powers. On questioning the boy led Narayan to a baba who had in fact sent the letter. The baba narrated to him that his wife’s spirit was around and she would like to communicate with him. Narayan agreed and even as he held a few blank papers given to him by the baba, a pencil appeared from nowhere and started writing at high speed- this time in his wife’s own handwriting. The letter was consoling him , not to get depressed and that she was always with him in the spirit form. On the day Narayan retired formally, he brought home a garland given in honour to him by his department. This garland was full of fragrance and Narayan reminisced of his wife(Susheela)’s addiction to such fragrant flowers. On reaching home, he hung the garland on a nail on the wall . Even as he started preparing to go to bed, his wife’s spirit made an appearance and sat with him on the bed. She demanded the fragrant flowers from the garland and asked him to decorate her hair with them. She was with him the whole of that night conversing. These and many other real stories are narrated in his book “The English Teacher” which bristles with startling accuracy. Justice Hidayatulla Supreme Court Justice Hidayatulla’s daughter died in London in an accident.Justice Hidayatulla went to London and performed all funeral rites and often when he visited London he used to place a wreath/bouquet on the burial spot. Once he started this, the girl’s spirit started visiting him and even troubling him in the Supreme court half way when he was hearing cases. Disgusted of this, one day he rebuked her in rather harsh language and the daughter stopped appearing before him English Judge(ICS) in Andhra. Reported in Justice ASP Iyer ICS’s book “ 25 years a civilian” A room in the spacious Judge’s quarters in Chittoor is always kept locked , because a Judge’s (English Man) spirit sits there. The judge committed suicide in that room to atone a wrong judgment of having given hang orders to a person and later that hanged person’s spirit appeared before him and proved his innocence with factual accuracy. (Chikkakola) and remarked“ you are the murderer and not me”. The judge realized that he had given the hang orders without going into all the aspects of the matter and that his judgment was erroneous. He realised his folly and applied to himself the Law of Hammarabi “A life for life” and committed suicide in the quarters. Film celebrities .. Mohit Suri- film producer In Simla (Raaz2)as well as in Mumbai Mukesh Mills (i) Director Mohit Suri who was making RAAZ2 (sequel of Moghul-e-azam) experienced (a) weird sounds (b) he found that suddenly the heroine Bipasha Basu was struggling to speak out dialogues (c) Bipasha reported that she experienced as if some one was strangulating her. (ii)On one occasion while shooting in Mukesh Mills, Mohit Surri experienced unusual occurrences like light bulbs bursting into flames during shoot, technical glitches suddenly, hard discs cracking up,VFX supervisor met with an accident,High end machines broke down several times and actors like Bipasha Basu suddenly falling giddy. Bipasha Basu Actress Mukesh Mills with Mohit Suri as above Generally known as “Ms.Bindas ” suddenly became scared to sleep alone at night, and for some inexplicable reasons became worried of ghosts. She insisted on her hair dresser to sleep in the same room or always slept with the lights on.. Navin Nischol Navin Nischal had been seeing his wife’s spirit while he was in the jail cell.He made a special application for a powerful light in his cell in Mahim Police Station all through the night, because his wife’s ghost was appearing before him and often threatening. . Mallika Sarawat Madhu bala’s ghost appeared before Mallika Sherawat during her shoots of a sequel to Anarkali when she was resting inside her vanity van .(In the original film Madhubala who had acted as Anarkali was killed and buried).. Anuj Saahney (producer of Naina) while doing a shoot in Gujaray heard knocks on the doors and his shoot vehicle Rajni Kant Rajnikant was often harassed by the spirit of a fellow actor ( who died in an air crash while going for a film shoot ) and he came out of this menace only after performing a pooja to ward it off. (2010) World wide Millionaire Anwar Rashid (2007-2008) Millionaire Anwar Rashid who did business in Dubai with a chain of nursing homes and hotels later shifted to UK With the profits he made in Dubai business he bought and moved to a 52 room mansion called Cliffton hall which dates back to Norman Era for a price of 25 million pounds. It had 10 reception rooms, 10 bath attached bed rooms, banquet halls, a gym, cinema and so on. He moved with his wife, 3 daughters and a baby son. The day after he moved in all the members started experiencing unusual things behind its grace and beauty- weird knocking, mysterious figures running about, red blood spots on the baby’s quilt, the hoarse voice of a man and several frightful experiences.On the third day he shifted out of the mansion. This happened as recent as in 2007-2008. Naomi Campbell (2007) Super Model, generally very sober and polite and never known to be losing temper, suddenly developed a queer behavior and fiery temper, so much so she assaulted her maid in New York. The Court sentenced her to five days of community service. Naomi came out of this “possessed “ state only after she consulted a Witch Doctor and got exorcised in Rio de Janeiro in 2007. James Bond (Jr)(2006) James Bond (Jr) crew who were to shoot for a fantasy film as soon as they entered a jumbo jet, one woman passenger got a heart attack and collapsed. Her spirit invaded the plane causing systems and logistics failure. Many saw the woman’s ghost going up and down the aisle.The plane could not take off and some of his crew members ran away. The project was dropped. English lady & the shoe A lady in England who occupied a house where earlier a General lived and died in war used to hear “boot march noise” in the night. During the spring cleaning operations in the house she found a pair of old army boots left by the General. When she threw the shoes into the sea with a prayer of RIP for the departed soul of the General, the marching noise stopped from that date. Annie walker In Budapest Very recently, a couple in Budapest got their house renovated at considerable expense. When they occupied the house, they experienced always a satanic figure staring at them in the bath room , some times from inside the mirror or near about the bath tub. They abandoned the premises. Ghost spots (SPOOKY SPOTS) World over, particularly in important cities ghosts spots have been identified. Mumbai, Kolkatta, Surat etc. in India, Singapore, Japan, London and near abouts, the old castles in Yorkshire, Ireland and in America many ghost spots have been identified and persons report their experiences.There are websites on them. In Mumbai Deonar Hospital Mid night knocks, pelting of stones on the windows and blank telephone calls at odd hours. Seems to settle scores with a nurse who spurned advances made by a youth patient who fell in love with her and who later ended his life. Sindhi Society Some time during 2006,many boys, security guard etc. had seen a woman in white saree with body burnt in the Sindhi camp residential area. Eastern Express Highway. Between Sion and Kurla signal ( near about Everard Nagar a female ghost often caused accidents until she was exorcised some time in the early80’s. PUKAR’s findings PUKAR (Partner of Urban Knowledge Actions & Research) instituted a fellowship programme to research and document stories of “haunted spots and urban legends”within South/Central Mumbai.A team of 11 students of Maharashtra Dayanand College of Science formed a group and conducted research.It has identified 20 haunted places and urban legends after its study in the matter. Pukar is shy of naming the places and has created a website: www.ghoststoriesinmumbai PUKAR SPOTS Pukar group is reluctant to reveal all the names for their own reasons . Some of the spots are (1) “S” bridge near Byculla (2) Mukesh Mills a popular film shooting spot where a dancer was murdered (3) Chinchpokli bridge (4)Seven Bangalows in Andheri west rented by a TV actor Rahul Raj Singh (5) A cross road between Churchgate and Flora Fountain near about the Parsi well (6) A lane near Kamatipura where a British era prostitute was murdered (7) A street near Byculla’s Hume School (8) A high rise in Shivaji Park (9) A tree in JJ hospital compound (10) A headless ghost in an old mill of Parel (11) Central Mumbai where a man fell into a well (12) Several buildings near about railway bridges (13) Police men often see a lady in Chandivali in a white saree- they immediately fall sick (14) A seven foot tall lady in a cheap Andheri flat- when the figure appears the lights go off and there is a cold wave . In Colaba A lady in Colaba had the problem of any one occupying her flat dying within 6 months. She got the menace exorcised by the Ghost buster of Dadar. Kurla Police Station- Crime Branch In Kurla. The office which accommodates the Crime Branch is considered “ jinxed”.A few years ago a Police man and his entire family committed suicide in this building and it remained locked for several years. In 2004, it was opened after a pooja but the jinx continues. Between 2004 and now as many as 10 police officers attached to this office had met with violent deaths. The list includes Vijay Salaskar and one of his constables who were killed in the 26/11 bomb blast recently. Every one avoids a posting to this station.. Other places in India Kolkatta Indian Statistical Institute ISI Calcutta was shut down for a few days in 2007 and students were sent home due to ghost menace in the campus.. The students were experiencing midnight knocks on the doors, some one pushing them while in stair case or appearing before them always accompanied by the smell of cigarettes and after shave. The unexplained sudden death of a student, who used to always use after shave and deodorants and also smoke cigarettes suddenly died was attributed to this strangeness. Ravindranath Tagore’s ancestral home The Palace of Prince Dwarkanath, built in the 18th century where Tagore lived and died, jingling of anklets, music tunes, lanterns suddenly lighting up automatically, in empty rooms in the midnight etc. are heard .Spirits of female figures are also seen moving around. Tagore who had several experiences with apparitions and who believed in supernaturals wrote his book “Master Moshai”about a teacher who committed suicide on his being insulted by a student and whose spirit came to haunt him. Viswabharati University has recently published a book on these experiences. Began Kador Rly station West Bengal Since 1972 no trains stop at this station ( 300 kms from Howrah) and the station is abandoned because a female figure is seen dancing on the platform, supposed to be a lady run over by a train.An exercise to exorcise in 2008 seemed to have not succeeded. Delhi JNU Delhi Despite acute shortage accommodation, for the last 15 years or so no one would live in Room no.13 of the JNU Periyar hostel because whoever occupied the room died Suddenly as two students had committed suicide in this room.Students as well as authorities have seen a spirit in that room . Often one hears weird noise which is frightening.The room is left vacant now. Surat In a Surat village, there is a well which has water all through the year.. Even in the midst of summer when there is acute shortage of water and it is severe draught, there is water in this well, but no one pulls water from this well because many have witnessed a ghost inside and some people who have tried to pull water have lost their lives by being suddenly pulled in by the ghost ! Palakkad In Palakkad, (Kerala)a banyan tree on the centre of a road was cut and removed in 2007 as a part of road widening process. Even as the road was widened suddenly this spot became an accident spot. It was later learnt that one muslim exorcist had earlier fixed and tied a number of trouble giving spirits in the tree and once the tree was cut, they were let loose and started troubling. Even those who cut the tree either ended up in mental hospital or in a crematorium within 10 days.. Shimla Indian literature is replete with Shimla ghost stories. So much so Haryana Tourism Corporation is cashing on this phenomenon. Shimla is famous for ghost stories elaborately described by many including Ruskin Bond,Rudyard Kipling and Khushwant Singh of haunted houses, echoes of past life times, clattering of horse hoofs, foggy path ways carpeted by pine needles, beautiful old structures with new people living, often visited by phantom memsahebs. They also hear mysterious noises and experience disappearances.. World wide In U.K. 1. Millionnaire Anwar’s Cliffton Mansion- already described 2. For nearly 25 years in a road between Woolscot and Cradely, in certain midnights, a three year old girl appeared in Victorian costume suddenly. Motorists were forced to swerve to avoid her- they crashed on the pavement. The spooky ghost child was responsible for the accidents. . 3.In London (1934) In the London- North Kensington route, there was a notorious junction where a phantom Bus double decker used to suddenly appear and cause accidents in 1934.. 4.In a London pub, the owner had a problem of a ghost often popping up beer glass Costing him severe loss. London Yorkshire castles (Thomas Cook conducts Ghost tours here) Ireland castles USA Amityville in New York which hit the film in 1979. Ohio Very recently, last week there was a report “Haunted University in Ohio”.There are many eerie stories of this university in Athens Ohio of basket ball being played by ghosts in the midnight in one of its halls (Wilson Hall & Jefferson Hall), and weird and strange noise emanating from another hall and so on. China Temple of ghosts in Beijing Ghost spots are famous in Japan, Mexico and Africa.- available in websites Ghost Research The topic of “ghosts” and after life situation has been a subject of great interest world wide and many dedicated research bodies and individuals world wide were and are on the research job. In India Dr.Satwant Pasricha Head of Clinical Psychology of Bangalore based NIMHANS at the behest of the State University of Virginia has published a ten volume book California Hypnosis Institute , Thane Dr.Tripti Jain PLRT PUKAR Mr.V.R.Krishna Iyer ( in his book “Death and After”) Rahul Mahajan ( along with SETI- Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) Radio astronomy in association with SETI trying and experimenting to make contact with his late father Pramod Mahajan. Veenu Sandal, Renowned Clairvoyant &Tarrot Card reader USA Ghost Research Society, California Arizona State University Massachussetes University , Amherst Walter Semkiev of Chicago State University of Virginia Stephen Wagner (Paranormal institute) UK & Europe Para normal Research Groups UK Ghost Hunting Groups “How to Investigate Para normal?” by Lloyd Auebach,Director, Paranormal Institute on ghost hunting is a best seller. The book details the techniques and technologies on ghost hunting. The London Paranormal Group (2008) which filmed a ghost which turned out to be the spirit of a soldier of the English Civil War who died in the Battle of Naceby. It was hot on the 363rd anniversary of the battle, and when replayed the film displayed the face of the soldier with his war uniform, cannon ball sound, clunking noises etc. Erasmus University of Notterdam (Netherlands). Ghost Busters Ghost busting is an art peculiar to India, practiced in many forms. (In certain African countries also this is practiced). Unlike other popular books on ghosts which only concentrate on ghost horrors and tricks, my book explains in all the cases how with rituals and religious technologies (particularly Hindu), the menace of the negative energy can be eliminated and the victim saved.. In India Ashram in Dadar, where Guru Shivananda ( aka) Vijay Kumar Singh has been removing the ghost menace for the past 40 years “professionally” and has a track record of several success stories.. He uses several means including, astrology, hypno-therapy, and even film hunting with the aid of hidden cameras to capture figure and sound. Many success stories. He has also a research wing and a website (Gangajal mixed with salt is sprinkled in haunted places.) There are several temples in Kerala (Chottanikara), Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat . (Chudal Matha i.e. witch goddess) in Pathan Gujarat) etc also known as the High Court Temple. Deoji Sant temple of 4 centuries standing in Betul (MP) conducts an annual exorcising fair during January-March.Last year the number of visitors has exceeded one lakh. Many Christian priests in Kerala have specialized in exorcism- the most famous one Kadamattathu Kathanar.(There is currently a TV serial on him) There are in Kerala a particular sect called “pannickers” who have been traditionally involved with ghost busting . They discover the problem sourced through a science called “Mashi nottam”, World wide “Da Gui” or beating the ghost in China is an annual feature in Beijing on the first lunar month every year. In Newzealand, very recently in 2009 a lady has managed to capture the spirit in a bottle of Holy water,through exorcism which turns blue. The holy water dulls the spirit’s energy and a sort of put to sleep. A note on Occults Some people do have occult powers. I have personally experienced occult exercises several times by several persons in different places. I have narrated some of my experiences in my book “Ghosts, Occults & Exorcists”. 1. In some cases occult powers are intuitive- God given- they come with them even as they are born (Divya sakthi) or (Janma siddhi) 2. In others occult powers are acquired from a Guru (mostly living in the Himalayas) and practice of yoga. (Yoga siddhi) 3. There are some cases, where the source is unknown- they have powers- no one say about the source. Janma (Siddhi) Sakthi (Intuitive) 1. The Blind Vaidya who could remove poison of snake bite. Dip in pond; Christian; no way to help) – child hood 2. The railway station master in Karur Station during SIRly days. -School days 3. Siddha in Dehradun- 1956 4. Siddha who appeared before British Collector- Read in book Divya (Siddhi) Sakthi Divine grace conferred on some one at one point of time: a. Brother Dinakaran the Pastor who has spiritual healing powers b. Lovena gets a touch God and gets spiritual heeling powers in my story of the Ghost in Corporate The reason for these occult powers- particularly of the first category is Sukritham done in the previous births- could be centuries before . Also part of re-incarnation. Yoga Siddhi (acquired power) Chennithala Siddhan -1961-62-63 1. Smokeless and odourless bidi 2. Silk Shawl over body going out of train and back on train on me 3. Baudaji road crossing 4.Got back lost elephant Unknown reasons The baba in Yeotmal (1984) Ghost challengers Science has not accepted even the theory of soul. The Vatican, rationalists And their groups, agnostics and atheists always challenge the very concept. In Maharashtra MANS (Maharashtra Andha Sraddha Nirman Samiti ) is putting efforts to Remove ghosts belief but has not succeeded. (Recently however, the Pope and the Christians have conceded to Harry Potter’s stories) Ghost abuses 1.Women witches 2.Commercialisation/exploitation by so called exorcists/thanthriks To ward off evil spirit, making the victim sleep with the doctors, swamijis and Gurus. 3.Black magic (koodothram in Kerala)* and killing through exorcism Witch hunt, women, dogs, boys in tribal areas of Bihar,Orissa, UP,Gujarat, women beaten and paraded naked *exists with highest literacy and leftist beliefs !!!! 4.Other forms of commercialization (a) P.C.Sorkar (Jr) has opened a restaurant near Howra in Kolkatta in a secluded place where goblins will come out of wall frames and sit with you; 5.Ghost tours in UK, America and exploit the curiosity of the public (Savanna city GA) 6.In Mexico Witch craft is practised and promoted, is a tourist draw. With the help of a skull, black cloth and ribbon the priest takes you to a cave and performs black magic to attack /kill whomsoever you have in mind. Ghost Literature Aithihya Mala in 8 volumes written about hundred fifty years back. Garuda Purana written 5000 years before Christ. J.Rowling’s Harry Potter There are quite a number of references on this subject in all ancient literature of Countries Egypt had books on ghosts dating BC Ghost movies Ramsay, Ram Gopal Verma, Priya darshan Phoonk- “It is superstition till it happens to you” Bhoot- featuring Amitabh Bachan Bhool Bhaliya Many serials and movies in Kerla Dadaji Kahein- Om Katare Harry Potter &Half blood prince Angels & Demons Emperor strikes back Phantom Menace Return of the Jeddie Star wars Hamlet the Prince Macbeth. Other bla bla bla 1. Film star Shilpa came out of a mental depression after she witnessed a « Bhoot Kola »( Ghost dance) for an entire night in a village near about Udipi. Now she makes it a point to attend to this annually. 2.Ghost stories told by mothers and published down the years cannot be all fiction. One time Diehard skeptics become diehard believers- converted by actual fist hand encounters with ghost happenings or haunted places or paranormal experiences perennially. 3.Karma : Bible “ as ye sow, so shall ye reapeth”. Not necessarily in the same sowing season- it can be after several life spans- affects, laterally, horizontally – generation after generation Newtons 3rd law of motion- there is reaction to every action.. “Neethisaram” cow and calf Shakespeare “ the evils that men do live after them” Plato : Why one soul is trapped in animal , while another one in human shape.? If we behave like animals in this birth, we become animals next .We get what we really want. Muslims also believe in punishment after death – though not necessarily rebirth. (Some tribe keep a slip of good conduct on the corpse before burial)


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