#PicksAndPiquesEnglishTheatreReviews #TheatreCriticJohnsonThomas #TwoAdorableLosers

#PicksAndPiquesEnglishTheatreReviews #TheatreCriticJohnsonThomas Play : #TwoAdorableLosers Cast: #DarsheelSafary #AbhishekPattnaik Written by #AbhishekPattnaik Directed by #MurtuzaKuttanawala Rating: * * * ½ #OutOfTheBoxProductions OOTBProduction@Facebook OOTB_Production #TheTurningPointBrandConsultants #RomaPerieraTalwar A culture clashing comedy highlighting the differences between two people from different corners of the country while they learn to cope with their deficiencies, each teaching the other to paper over his ineptitude. This two character play revolves around a statistics teacher, an Oriya who hasn’t yet polished his English speaking proficiency, Professor Jolly (Abhishek Pattnaik) and a poorly performing TYBA Statistics student, Akshay (Darsheel Safary), who, on the Vice Principal’s recommendation approaches the former for extra classes. The Professor has issues with the VP for having superseded him to the post and is reluctant to take on someon...