
Showing posts from February, 2012

Mohile Parikh Event- Theatre workshop for children-My image Speaks- Shruti Sridharan

Mohile Parikh Event- Theatre workshop for children-My image Speaks- Shruti Sridharan

Holi-The indian festival of Color at Harvest time


Burning Man at 25 years The 25th Burning Man festival, with a theme of "Rites of Passage," took place Aug. 29 to Sept. 5, 2011

Burning Man at 25 years The 25th Burning Man festival, with a theme of "Rites of Passage," took place Aug. 29 to Sept. 5, 2011, 120 miles outside Reno, Nev., in the Black Rock Desert, its home since 1990. Some 50,000 people attended the week-long celebration, which is billed as "an annual experiment in temporary community dedicated to radical self-expression and radical self-reliance." The event, which is more a temporary city than a traditional f estival, arose from a bonfire held on the Summer Solstice at Baker Beach in San Francisco in which a wooden man a dog were burned in a spontaneous act of self-expression by local artists and their friends. -- Lloyd Young (29 photos total) Cooper Brawn dances as the Temple of Transition burns during the Burning Man 2011 "Rites of Passage" arts and music festival in the Black Rock desert of Nev., Sept. 4. More than 50,000 people from all over the world have gathered...

The Sixth Dr. Mani Kamerkar Endowment Lecture

The Sixth Dr. Mani Kamerkar Endowment Lecture to be delivered by Howard Spodek, Professor of History, Temple University, Philadelphia, U.S.A., on “Ahmedabad and Mumbai: Divergent Urban Personalities” on Friday, 24th February, 2012, at 6.00 p.m. at the Homi J.H. Taleyarkhan Memorial Hall, Red Cross Building, Town Hall Premises.

Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. P. V. Kane Memorial Seminar, on “Varna and Jati”

Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. P. V. Kane Memorial Seminar, on “Varna and Jati” on Monday, the 20th February, 2012, at 10.00 a.m. at the Seminar Hall, (Room No.28), Ground floor, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus, Mumbai – 400 032.

Breaking Boundaqries, Feb 14, Alliance Francaise


The Script, Edition 2 - February 2012

The Script, Edition 2 - February 2012 The temperatures are slowly moving upwards, but the theatre scene is always hot and high. This month see's many plays doing a season of sorts. Apart from Akvarious 18 shows of 'The Interview' in Bangalore, comes 8 days of 'Nothing Like Lear' at the Prithvi Theatre. Also this month is the annual Kala Ghoda Festival which will be happening from the 4th to 12th of February and the Ishara Puppet Theatre Festival at the NCPA from 14 -16 of February. The QTP front things are a bit on the downlow before the hectic month of March where 3 of our plays will be playing at Prithvi. More details on those next month!! Also this month, Thespo at Prithvi presents AllmyTea and ClustalZ present 'Cock'. Great Text reading will be on the 27th fo February. We hope to see you at these events!!! Also we continue our quiz section! Every month a new theatre question will be posted - it can be viewed on the right hand side under 'Up Coming ...